Friday, March 31, 2006

"To pirate or not to pirate, that is the question"

Marin does not believe that 'pirate' is a verb...

This is from the Compact Oxford English Dictionary:

• verb 1 dated, rob or plunder (a ship). 2 reproduce (a film, recording, etc.) for profit without permission.

I pirate
He/she pirates
We pirate
You pirate
They pirate

(also, everyone loves Johnny Depp)

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Today, I saw Marin.


And I partook in some chip eating, but then again I'm not the one with blood pressure problems, am I?


I swear, he puts, like extra salt on them afterwards... or asks for extraaaas. Because they were kind of... bitter. But they were SO nice.


(I suspect that Kay, who he only saw MINUTES before, would not be pleased)